Today I have the pleasure of interviewing Anu Lampinen once again.
Today’s episode with Anu will focus on the postpartum time after birth. The 40 days after the birth where your body and mind go through so many changes and your baby is adjusting to life outside the womb. There is so much to say about the postpartum and in this episode we just scratch the surface.
If you are pregnant, don’t shy away from this episode as it is so important to start preparing for your postpartum recovery already now in pregnancy.
Show notes:
1. Anu’s website
2. Anu’s email
3. Anu’s Instagram
4. Anu’s Facebook
5. Nurturing the Family book
6. YouTube video “Why it’s so Hard to Take a Shower With a Newborn”
7. Motherhood Talks – a weekly support group for moms
8. Imetys Tuki breastfeeding support in English
9. Anu and Gabriela’s postpartum doula certificate training (currently only in Finnish)
10. The mentioned article about breastfeeding in Finland: Hannula L. 2003. Imetysnäkemykset ja imetyksen toteutuminen. Suomalaisten synnyttäjien seurantatutkimus. Tohtorinväitöskirja. Turun yliopiston julkaisuja C 195. Yliopistopaino Helsinki.
Mentioned topics:
What are the elements of a peaceful postpartum that facilitates healing?
Following your own truth in postpartum
The importance of not being alone in postpartum
The huge identity change
Rituals to mark rites of passage
The mammalian baby instincts
What is lacking for families in postpartum?
How supportive presence can help someone learn to breastfeed
How positive attitude of the partner towards breastfeeding can help sustain it
Families lack of support and information
How postpartum support in Finland can improve
What are the needs of families in postpartum?
The advantages of having baby brain
How quickly a newborn baby changes
The need for nutrition in postpartum
Having deep listening to your birth story
When we come to see a new baby we are also seeing a new mother
Preparing for postpartum in pregnancy
What might you include in your postpartum plan?
Having a maid of honor and best man for the postpartum too like at a wedding
Doing an online closing ceremony when your friends live abroad