Welcome to this episode of the podcast where we dive into Maria’s birth stories. A first birth story which left Maria feeling broken and traumatized followed by a healing and empowering experience of birth with her second child. Maria talks about the importance of good support in healing from birth trauma as well as recognizing it as such in the first place. This episode is for anyone who has had a challenging first birth experience and maybe wants to hear that it’s possible to birth with positivity in consecutive births. I hope this episode gives you hope and encouragement to understand the things that can make a big impact on your laboring experience to make sure that it is indeed a positive and empowering experience that leaves you feeling strong and capable as a woman and mother. Let’s get started on this week’s birth story with Maria. Thank you for being here.
- Spinning Babies: https://www.spinningbabies.com/
- Evidence Based Birth: https://evidencebasedbirth.com/
- The Positive Birth Company: https://thepositivebirthcompany.co.uk/
- More info on Cholestasis: https://icpcare.org/
- Podcast episode by Birth Kweens on healing from birth trauma https://www.birthkweens.com/birthkweens-ep71/
- Healing After Birth: Navigating Your Emotions After A Difficult Childbirth Book by Jennifer Summerfeldt MACP https://www.adlibris.com/fi/kirja/healing-after-birth-9781999497200
- Birthing from Within: An Extra-ordinary Guide to Childbirth Preparation. Book by Pam England and Rob Horowitz https://www.adlibris.com/fi/kirja/birthing-from-within-9780965987301