#55: Alma’s birth story – navigating preeclampsia, induction, and a cesarean

On this episode of the podcast, I’m sharing with you Alma’s birth story. In this episode Alma shares her challenging experience of dealing with a late diagnosis of preeclampsia which led into an induction and then to a cesarean birth. Alma so vulnerably shares how one of her biggest fears was having a cesarean and how throughout her pregnancy she Read more…

#47: Ana’s Hypnobirthing birth story – “I was so calm my husband thought labor had stopped”

Welcome to today’s episode where you’ll hear another birth story. This time it’s from a second time mother who talks so beautifully about getting ready for labor using hypnobirthing, and learning to trust herself through understanding what it is she wants. Ana shared how relaxed she got in labor using hypnobirthing to the point that her husband thought that labor Read more…