Welcome to today’s episode where you’ll hear another birth story. This time it’s from a second time mother who talks so beautifully about getting ready for labor using hypnobirthing, and learning to trust herself through understanding what it is she wants. Ana shared how relaxed she got in labor using hypnobirthing to the point that her husband thought that labor had actually stopped. Listen in to hear Ana’s experience with being 10cm dilated and yet not ready to push and how this was something totally new for her. These birth stories remind me just how strong of a rite of passage they are, and how they teach us so much about the next stage of our life – which is motherhood. Times of transition and rites of passage can be new, unfamiliar, and sometimes scary for us and this is why I’ve created a webinar all about giving you tools and techniques that will support you to thrive through your rite of passage and transitional moment. This webinar will help you see your transition as a growth opportunity and will keep you grounded when you feel like the carpet has been pulled from under your feet. It’s perfect for anyone who is preparing to give birth or is just a few weeks or months after. You can join me live on March 30th or sign up and receive the recording to watch as a companion to when you’re resting up in bed in your final weeks of pregnancy or with your baby. I will leave the link in the show notes for you to find. And now, let’s get into Ana’s birth story!


  • understanding birth better through reading the hypnobirthing book
  • learning to trust yourself
  • you are more likely to get what you want when you know what you want
  • what Ana learned from her rite of passage
  • being 10cm dilated doesn’t mean you are ready to push
