On this episode of the podcast Soňa Jány-Louhivori explains the importance of caring for your birth scars. We dive into the emotions that our scars carry and how those emotions can be different depending on the birth story we experienced. Soňa shared her own story of healing her scar and how she noticed what she calls the “chaining effect” in which one scar can have a direct influence on other body areas. Soňa also explained how one can do their own scar massage and invites our listeners to a hands on in-person workshop happening on February 18th 2023 and on March 4th 2023 (choose the best date for you). For more info on the workshops check out https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfWeF769sysLxckfJE3nlMFDyqnKB-QoNujWEo9h9fnHea4kA/viewform   


  • What exactly is a scar?
  • The knowledge to treat and care for the scar is limited
  • Difference of having stitches vs not having stitches
  • Difference between scar of episiotomy or tearing
  • How having a scar can impact your body
  • The chain effect of the scar influencing the entire body
  • The ways in which scar massage brings a relief 
  • Sona share’s her own experience of scar healing 
  • How long does it take for the redness of the scar to go away and for you to be able to start massaging?
  • How to do a self massage on your scar
  • Is it ever too late to work on your scar?
  • Who can attend Sona’s workshop?
  • Healing the trauma of the partner who doesn’t have a scar
  • Which other professionals can support the healing of your scar?
  • I share my aha moment of listening to my body and boundaries 
