Welcome to another episode of birthing in Finland. On this episode I sat down with our nest doula Sona Jany Louhivuori, to have a really casual and fun conversation about how having sex and pooping can give us clues about the ideal environment to have a baby. Are you getting curious? Haha this is a great episode with many golden nuggets that im sure you’ll enjoy. We spoke about how some of the birth preparation methods are also used when training for professional sports, and why we think that there’s a really important lesson there.
We got deeper into the big emotions of birth like feeling safe with the people around you. Feeling safe enough to be the most raw and vulnerable version of yourself, knowing that you will continue to be loved also after. We finished off the episode with some words about postpartum care as well, how important it is, and how preparation for postpartum during pregnancy is an important part of it!
Show notes:
1. Sona’s website https://sonajany.com/
2. Sona’s Instagram https://www.instagram.com/feelyourbirth/
3. Positive Birth Helsinki – register here – https://mailchi.mp/648e302327d5/positivebirth
4. Motherhood Talks – moms group – https://fb.me/e/28VPvEvCL
5. Sona’s and Rosalia’s childbirth preparation course – https://bit.ly/childbirtheducationcourse