Hello and welcome back to the show. This episode with Maria Fernandez about birth brain is brought to you by the Positive Birth Helsinki meetups. Our free upcoming session will take place on Saturday September 10th at LillaLuckan near Kamppi from 10 to 12am. The topic of this meetup will be “induction”. When might you be offered one and how to know if your body is ready for it? Meet our Nest doulas there, get to know other expecting families, and learn more on this topic. If you have a toddler, they are welcome to join you. If you have a partner, they are also welcome to join you. To register, please visit thenestdoulas on ig and find the bio link or check out the show notes.
So, on today’s episode I have Maria Fernandez with me, a Nest doula, who was at the end of her pregnancy at the time of this recording in March 2021. Maria speaks from her perspective as a birth doula, yoga teacher and second time mom as she prepares her mind and body for the upcoming home birth of her second child. She shares her tips on how to create birth brain mode which is so lovely and delicious in helping you enter the birth zone as you come closer to the birth of your baby. We get into what “birth brain” is and why you would want to facilitate it. We speak about the continuum that exists between pregnancy, birth, and parenting, as well as about the experience of the birth partner in all of this. If you are at the end of your pregnancy as you are listening to this, boil yourself some water, make a tea, light a candle, sit back and enjoy!
Show notes:
1. Register for Positive Birth Helsinki meetup on September 10th https://mailchi.mp/648e302327d5/positivebirth
2. Maria’s Instagram account https://www.instagram.com/eyogadoula/?hl=en