On today’s episode of Birthing In Finland I will be chatting with Clara Vazquez about her role as a family expert and psychologist with Mielen Portti. Clara facilitates and leads events and gatherings for families with immigrant background, with the focus of mental health and well being. In this episode, you’ll hear more on what Mielen Portti has to offer your family and why Clara is such a fantastic person to know! We spoke about the challenges of foreign families living here and how having time for yourself as a parent with little family help can be very challenging. Just by listening to the challenges that Clara shares you might get a feeling of being understood and that you are not alone in it. 
In the episode Clara refers to 2 workshops that Giuliano is facilitating with Mielen Portti but we don’t go into them in depth. If you are interested to hear more about those then go back and listen to episode 14 where I interviewed Giuliano exactly about these groups. In the episode Clara also mentions neighborhood mothers which you can also learn more about by listening to episode 9. Finally, Clara mentioned a conscious parenting course – and the upcoming one is actually starting really soon on September 21st 2022. You can sign up for that by emailing Clara. Let’s get right into and dive into the interview i had on the podcast with Clara Vazquez.
Show notes: 
1. Clara’s email address: clara.vazquez@trapesa.com