On today’s episode of Birthing In Finland I will be chatting with Sona Jany Louhivuori about pregnancy and postpartum massage. Sona is a birth doula, a masseur, a hypnobirthing practitioner, and so much more! Sona explains the beautiful advantages of the massage, why she loves it so much, and the effect she has seen it have on her clients. We’ll talk about the difference between the pregnancy and postpartum massage as well as why this postpartum treatment can really make a huge difference in your physical and emotional recovery.
I also want to remind you about our Nest webinar on Mar 24th, 2022 which will be about birth stories in Finland. You can sign up with the link below.
Also, if you want to have your voice heard about your birth experience as a minority person in Finland, you can now take part in a survey exactly about this topic. See the link below.
Relevant links:
Respond to the survey: https://link.webropol.com/s/mom
Nest webinar registration: https://mailchi.mp/0c193baea468/monthlywebinar
Sona’s website: https://feelyourbirth.com
Instagram and Facebook @feelyourbirth